My Daily Scripture Musings Serving God Day 362 – Neh 10-11; Rev 19

Day 362 – Neh 10-11; Rev 19

Neh. 10-11

The exiles obligated themselves to an oath to return to God and walk in His ways.  They committed themselves to being God’s people.  The last statement in their covenant is, “We will not neglect the house of our God” (Neh. 10:39b).  That got me to thinking.  For them it was the Temple, a building that represented God’s presence with them.  We, however, are fortunate to have the real thing – the person of Jesus Christ and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  Jesus is not just a representation.  He is the presence of God.  Likewise with the Holy Spirit, who came to us when Jesus’ work as a man was complete.  So that bond that we have with Jesus through the Holy Spirit is now the house of our God.  To what am I willing to commit so that I don’t neglect the house of my God?

Rev. 19

We saw in yesterday’s reading that all of the wealth and riches in the world will not stand before God’s judgment.  What we have cannot save us from His righteous wrath.  Today’s reading indicates that our status and position does not matter either.  Revelation 19:5 says, “Praise God, all you His servants, you who fear Him, small and great”.  Likewise, near the end of the chapter the buzzards gathered to eat “the flesh of all men, both free and slave, both small and great” (Rev. 19:18b).  Small or great, those who fear God will praise Him, while those who follow the beast will be destroyed and devoured.  So it all boils down to who you serve.  Ultimately, your spiritual allegiance (and you do have one, even if you don’t know it) is all that will make any difference at the end.