Y2 Day 79 – Matt 11; Deut 3-4; Ps 34

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Matt. 11

Memorize and meditate on v. 28-30. What does it tell you about Jesus?  “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matt. 11:28-30).  What this says to me is that when we team up with Christ, we enter into God’s rest.  That is to say, we step out from under the burden of our own efforts – and failures – in the law.  His yoke is easy and His burden is light because He took on the burden of our sin and gave us mercy in its place.  He carries the weight that should have been ours to bear.

This statement isn’t about living a happy, trouble free life.  It is about obtaining righteousness and living in obedience to God.  We can’t do that on our own.  It is only when we let go of our pride, cease striving, and let God do the work in us that we can be counted as righteous and reconciled to Him.

Deut. 3-4

At the end of his life, Moses’ role shifted from leader to cheerleader; he was to encourage and strengthen Joshua to finish the job. Who could you encourage and strengthen today?  Still more evidence of Moses’ humble spirit!  God denied him something he desperately wanted, then instructed him to train and encourage his replacement.  Cue the indignant pride and the bitterness!  But Moses was content to let God be God.  He continued to love God’s people by desiring and doing what was best for them without regard to his own cost.  A great example for all of us.

I am curious, too, as to God’s purpose in working things out so that both Moses and Joshua were required to get the people from slavery in Egypt into the Promised Land.  Was this God’s way of showing us that Jesus, His Messiah, would come to us twice?  He came first as the humble, suffering servant who brought us salvation from our sin, like Moses.  He will later return as the conquering King to take us, as Joshua did, into our Promised Land.     

Ps. 34

“No one who takes refuge in Him will be condemned.” (Ps. 34:22b).  This may be the most condensed version of the gospel message in the Bible!  It is the same message as Jesus’ statement in Matthew 11:28-30.  When we take refuge in Jesus and come under His yoke, the condemnation for our unrighteousness is taken from us.  Instead of condemnation, we receive God’s blessing.  We enter into His rest. 

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