My Daily Scripture Musings God's Law,Serving God Y2 Day 80 – Matt 12; Deut 5-6

Y2 Day 80 – Matt 12; Deut 5-6

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Matt. 12

What is Jesus’ relationship to the Sabbath, and what does that tell you about Him?  This is the second time Jesus quotes Hosea 6:6, “I desire mercy, not sacrifice” (Matt. 12:7).  The first time He said this in response to a question about fasting.  This time He is being questioned about the Sabbath.  He follows with the statement, “For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.” (Matt. 12:8).  I think what He is saying is that we are to serve God, not the law.  God’s law was never intended to keep us from doing good for others.  Nor was it to give us a means to condemn others in our own self-righteousness.  On the contrary, it was given to show us how to do good for others and to show us our own need for righteousness.

Deut. 5-6

Compare and contrast the Sabbath law here with Exodus 20.  I learned a long time ago that the first few of the Ten Commandments deal with our relationship with God, while the last several deal with our relationship with others.  Love God, love others.  This morning I am noticing the fourth commandment, regarding the Sabbath, as a transitional command.  It is how we take that step from loving and serving God to loving and serving others.

Exodus tells us that God made the Sabbath holy because He rested from His creation work on the seventh day.  In resting, God also gave His creation rest.  So in observing the Sabbath, we enter into the rest God gave us.  Here in Deuteronomy, God connects the Sabbath to bringing His people out of slavery in Egypt.  Thus, it is through salvation that we enter into God’s rest.  We also see here that when we enter into God’s rest, we offer rest to those around us.  There’s the transition.  And so God offers His love, mercy, salvation, and rest through those of us who have already come under Jesus’ yoke, as we read about yesterday.  Thus, we serve God by serving others.

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