My Daily Scripture Musings God's Character Y2 Day 82 – Matt 14; Deut 9-10

Y2 Day 82 – Matt 14; Deut 9-10

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Matt. 14

When reading through the Old Testament laws, it doesn’t take long to see that death and defilement prevail.  If a clean person so much as comes near death or touches something defiled by death they, too, become unclean.  What was clean never cleaned that which was defiled.  Until Jesus.  People with all kinds of defiling conditions were healed simply by touching the edge of His cloak. 

God gave the Old Testament Jews a means of becoming clean again, but it never lasted.  If they had just consecrated themselves and a fly died in their soup, they were instantly unclean again.  The provisions for cleanliness had no power.  Until Jesus.  Because it is clear that Jesus has the power to make the unclean clean, it is no stretch to see that He likewise has the power, through the Holy Spirit’s indwelling, to keep us clean.  Thus, we who are cleaned by Christ are clean indeed!

Deut. 9-10

What did God ask of them (v. 12-13)? What are the differences in these verbs? Which one speaks to you and why?  One of the things God asked of His people through Moses was “to observe the LORD’s commands and decrees that I am giving you today for your own good” (Deut. 10:13).  That phrase, “for your own good” stood out to me.  It is an uncommon leader who issues decrees for the good of his underlings.  Those in charge tend to enjoy doing things the way they want them done, for their own good or possibly for the good of the entity they serve.  The common folk are simply there to serve the leader and whatever entity that leader represents.  God is different.  We cannot truly serve God without serving each other.  That is the way He wants it.  So His ways justly benefit all who walk in them.

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