My Daily Scripture Musings Trust & Obey,Truth Y2 Day 87 – Matt 19; Deut 19-20; Ps 37

Y2 Day 87 – Matt 19; Deut 19-20; Ps 37

For a description of the (Y2) reading plan, see the “About” page.

Matt. 19

Jesus told the rich young man he still lacked one thing. If Jesus were to tell you that, what might that one thing be in your life? Pray about it.  The rich young man didn’t understand grace.  He didn’t ask for forgiveness of his sins, he asked for eternal life.  And he thought there was some “good thing” he could do to get it.  He didn’t understand.  I think the reason Jesus said that it is so difficult for someone with great wealth to enter the kingdom of heaven is that those with wealth find it difficult to not rely on their own resources.

It is interesting that immediately prior to this interaction, Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these”. (Matt. 19:14).  What a contrast these little children, who had nothing to contribute but their love and enthusiasm over being with Jesus, are to that rich young man, who had everything he ‘needed’ and more.  Those children had nothing standing in the way of knowing their true need.

Deut. 19-20

What was done to lying witnesses? Why was it so important to tell the truth?  Bearing false witness against someone in this context was more than simply lying.  Witnesses were used to determine a person’s guilt and, thus, their fate.  The statement of a witness could make the difference between life and death for the accused.  So in a way, bearing false witness against someone was akin to premeditated murder. 

Bearing false witness about others today is not likely to end in their death, but it still causes harm in many different ways.  From what Jesus says about the law in Matthew chapter 5, I would say that causing someone harm in this way will render the same “guilty” judgment before God that murder would.  God’s law dictates that we love our neighbor as ourselves.  Clearly, bearing false witness against them does not comply. 

Ps. 37

Find one or two promises in this psalm and pray them back to God as your own.  “Do not fret because of those who are evil or be envious of those who do wrong”. (Ps. 37:1).  That is a difficult ask!  It is so hard to see the evil that people do and not be concerned and angry.  And it is hard to see the wicked prosper while the righteous are persecuted and not be shaken in your faith and resolve.  But verse 8 says, “Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret – it leads only to evil.”  If we keep our focus on the wicked, we will become like them.

Instead, we should focus on God.  Rather than doing what the wicked do, we are to “Trust in the LORD and do good” (Ps. 37:3a).  Instead of desiring what the wicked have, we are to desire the things of God.  “Take delight in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart” (Ps. 37:4).  And instead of following in the ways of the wicked, we are to “Commit your way to the LORD” (Ps 37:5a).  When we remain steadfast in trusting, seeking, and following God we will receive the good that God desires for us, both now while the wicked still flourish and on that day when they will be no more.

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