My Daily Scripture Musings God's Character,Trust & Obey Day 39 – Ex 4-6; Matt 24:29-51

Day 39 – Ex 4-6; Matt 24:29-51

Ex. 4-6

Moses did what we all do when we are afraid or lacking confidence – he made a whole string of excuses and objections.  God is so patient with us!  He answered every objection and did not get angry with Moses until he flat out asked God to send someone else.  Moses picked up the snake by the tail when asked, but couldn’t be convinced to obey God’s call to go until Aaron was brought in to the picture.  I wonder why having human support seems to do more to bolster our confidence than all the promises of God?

Something I see over and over again in the Bible that proves to be true throughout history and even in my own life is that when God makes a promise or steps in to help, things always get worse before they get better.  It seems God never works with/for us without first taking us through the refining fire.  But the results are always better than if He had not.  Take this instance, of the Israelites and their slavery – God could have just stepped in and freed them, but He didn’t.  He first made things worse…much worse.  But because of this, the Israelites left with the blessing and ‘plunder’ of their Egyptian neighbors (among other things that I won’t get into here).  We are fortunate to have the historical record of the Bible, because we can see this about how God works and use that knowledge to help us hold fast to faith and stay committed to God when the ‘worse’ part hits.  “Count it all joy when you fall into various trials…” (James 1:2) – because you know that means God is at work in your life. 

So much more I find interesting in this passage, but I will let it go with this.

Matt. 24:29-51

Be ready, for we know not when God will come for us.  How do we stay ready??  Perhaps the observations from Exodus are a small part of it – keeping God as your confidence and seeking Him first – always; holding fast to faith, especially when things get really hard, knowing that God is at work in you; and, as stated in yesterday’s Matthew portion, enduring to the end and not letting your love grow cold.  And how do we do all these things?  I think being mindful of God and His Word is the best start – keep His Truth at the forefront of your heart and mind.