My Daily Scripture Musings God's Family Day 52 – Ex 34-35; Mark 3:20-35

Day 52 – Ex 34-35; Mark 3:20-35

Ex. 34-35

Here’s a thought…when Moses had been with God, it showed on his face.  His face actually shone so bright he had to wear a veil in front of the people.  We don’t stand in God’s immediate presence the way Moses did, but His Spirit dwells within us.  So I’m thinking, when we spend time with God, does it show on our face?  Shouldn’t it?  I remember when I started working at my previous job, I never mentioned that I was a Christian, but people knew.  I spent time with God back in those days – something that faded away the longer I stayed at that place.  Thankfully, I am spending some time with Him once again, so maybe, just maybe, my countenance is changing to reflect that.

Mark 3:20-35

At the end of this short passage, Jesus’ mother and brothers come to get Him, but He essentially ignores them, basically saying that “whoever does the will of God” (Christians, as we now know them) are more His family than His blood relatives.  Why would He say this?  The clue is at the beginning of this short passage.  Verse 21 says, “And when His family heard it, they went out to seize him, for they were saying, ‘He is out of His mind.’”  Even Jesus own family thought He was crazy!  But He did not let them, or what they thought of Him, stop Him from His ministry; from doing the will of God.  And eventually, His family joined His ‘family’.  I know there are a lot of people, especially in other cultures, who are cast out and ridiculed by their friends, their family, sometimes their entire culture for believing in Jesus Christ.  Well, Jesus was there, too, and He tells us that we have a new family in Christ.  I am so, so very blessed that my family is very much a part of my family!!!

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