My Daily Scripture Musings God's Law Day 91 – Deut 23-25; Luke 6:27-49

Day 91 – Deut 23-25; Luke 6:27-49

Deut. 23-25

I sure don’t understand God’s OT laws!  There is no mercy or forgiveness in so many of them.  But righteousness is righteousness, I suppose, and we ain’t got it.  I guess that’s where Jesus comes in – because we aren’t righteous, we need God’s mercy and forgiveness. Jesus provides that.  Jesus said He did not come to abolish the law and the prophets, but to fulfill them. I’m not really sure how exactly that applies to these laws that I am reading, but I know He touches on some of this in His Sermon on the Mount (in Matthew and Luke), where He says, “you have heard that it was said…” and then, “…but I tell you”, bringing up several specific laws. 

Since He did not abolish the law, we can’t really say that it is completely irrelevant now. I do think it still gives us some clues as to how God intended for us to treat Him and others. But perhaps when Jesus says the law has been fulfilled in Him, the penalties of the law are no longer applicable to us?  And because we are no longer subject to the penalties of the law, we can both receive and apply both mercy and forgiveness.  Much to sort out about that, but rough thoughts for a start.

Luke 6:27-49

Struggling to reconcile some of this as well.  I mean, if someone steals from you, how does it benefit anyone to just let them get away with it?  I do think it helps to consider that Jesus is referring to personal relationships here, though. So maybe that statement doesn’t apply as much when it is some unknown person who breaks into your home and steals from you.  But what about a neighbor or co-worker who maybe borrows something and never returns it or who takes something of yours without asking for it?  Something that occurs on a more personal level. 

In that light, if there is a relationship of any kind there, be it good or bad, then Jesus could simply be telling us to put the relationship before your own personal reconciliation.  Maybe He is saying that it is better to be wronged by someone than to close off your heart to them because of what they did or said, even if you don’t like them at all.  God has a relationship with each and every one of us because He created us.  So what does He do with those who refuse to acknowledge Him or to those who are ungrateful?  Jesus says that God is kind and merciful to them.  Yes, I believe it is all about relationship.