My Daily Scripture Musings God's Plan Day 92 – Deut 26-27; Luke 7:1-30

Day 92 – Deut 26-27; Luke 7:1-30

Deut. 26-27

Egypt is often a representation of sin in the OT (I’m sure there is an interesting study in that thought).  Apply that thought here and we see that God’s rescuing His people from the “hard labor” and humiliation of Egypt is akin to His rescuing us from slavery to sin. 

God instructs the Israelites frequently to remember how He brought them out of Egypt “with His mighty hand and outstretched arm” and it would do us well to do the same.  We need to remember the things God has done for us, from salvation to the various ways He has worked in our lives as we wander through this wilderness.  We need to remember so that we can trust Him when we come to the next dry place, or are attacked by the next enemy, or are tempted to challenge the authorities He has placed in our lives, or are met with any number of other obstacles along the way.

Luke 7:1-30

Jesus had compassion on this widow.  As far as I can tell, nobody asked Him to give her son back to her, He just did it out of compassion.  What a gift!  I am not so good at recognizing the opportunity around me to have compassion on people who have not asked for it – may God open my eyes and my heart.