My Daily Scripture Musings Uncategorized Day 95 – Deut 32-34; Luke 8:26-56

Day 95 – Deut 32-34; Luke 8:26-56

Deut. 32-34

Simeon is missing from Moses’ blessing of the tribes in Deut. 33.  Looking into this a bit, I found that most believe this is due to the fact that Jacob cursed his two sons, Levi and Simeon, for their violence in vindicating their sister, Dinah.  Jacob said that these two tribes would be divided and scattered in Israel, which indeed they were. The Levites were given no portion of land as an inheritance, and the Simeonites were absorbed into Judah’s inheritance. 

It is also noted that perhaps the Levites repented, as they were the tribe who stood with Moses after the golden calf incident. There is no evidence that the Simeonites ever did.  The tribe of Simeon became the smallest and weakest of all the tribes. Though they were still blessed as a part of Israel as a whole, they were not mentioned specifically in Moses’ blessing. Perhaps he already knew they would not receive their own portion of land, but would be included with Judah.

One other note on this section of Deuteronomy – in Deut. 34:6, we are told that Moses was buried by God.  Wow.

Luke 8:26-56

I wonder why Jesus called out the woman with the hemorrhage when she touched his garment? Having a discharge of blood for twelve years would have made her unclean for all that time, so I’m betting she was shunned by others and certainly not used to calling attention to herself.  She was clearly scared to tell her story before all the people; to admit what she had done and why. 

Perhaps, being unclean, it could have been considered wrong or unlawful for her to have touched somebody – especially someone like Jesus – and made them unclean as well.  And perhaps Jesus knew that she needed to confess publicly. I am sure that she needed more than just the physical healing (as is the case with us all), and her public acknowledgment may have been vital to that.  In any case, He did not respond to her with condemnation, as she no doubt feared, but sent her off well and in peace.