My Daily Scripture Musings Uncategorized Day 97 – Josh 4-6; Luke 9:18-36

Day 97 – Josh 4-6; Luke 9:18-36

Josh. 4-6

We continue to see the importance of remembrance when God had the people set up 12 stones after crossing the Jordan.  Traditions do serve a purpose.  God knows that we forget so very quickly!  I’m thinking I need to start some kind of tradition to help with the remembrance of God’s goodness – maybe some kind of “praise jar”, where I can stick a note in it whenever God does something good for me.  Then at the end of the year, or maybe even when I am struggling with something, I can go back and remember all He did for me that year and know that He is good.

Luke 9:18-36

Funny how Jesus very directly told His disciples what was going to happen but they did not understand.  He was very plain in what He told them but we tend not to hear what we don’t want to believe.  It makes me wonder in what ways God is speaking very plainly to me that I am refusing to hear?

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