My Daily Scripture Musings Godly living Day 224 – 1 Chron 4-6; 1 Cor 7:1-19

Day 224 – 1 Chron 4-6; 1 Cor 7:1-19

1 Chron. 4-6

Ugh!  The genealogies are hard to follow!  Names crop up out of nowhere, maybe because they sometimes use two different names for the same person but don’t make that clear (might have been clear in the original language?).  Anyway, Jabez is an example of that.  It mentions his brothers and mother but does not specify who they are.

Jabez is also a good example of the odd and very random details that we find mixed in with these long and confusing lists of names.  The Bible specifically calls him out as being “more honorable than his brothers” (1 Chron 4:9) and I know there is a whole book and study on his prayer, which randomly makes it into this list of Judah’s descendants.  I have never read that book so I don’t know if it offers an answer, but I wonder why the genealogies include random, specific details and stories such as this one.

I am inclined to think that everything means something in God’s Word.  However, I am often at a loss as to what that meaning might be.  Certainly, though, as I believe the study on The Prayer of Jabez likely implies, we can learn from his bold request of God.  Note that this mini story didn’t just mention the prayer of Jabez, but made a point to say, “And God granted what he asked.” (1 Chron 4:10b).

1 Cor. 7:1-19

Ah – a change of subject!  Paul is now addressing a specific question that was posed to him by the Corinthian Church.  The way I take it, they were asking if abstaining from sex was the better path.  Paul’s answer?  ‘Not necessarily.’  Being able to stay single is, in Paul’s mind, a good thing, but is not the best for everybody.  And if someone is married, abstaining from sexual relations is not fair to the spouse.  The more important thing is to stay sexually pure, whatever your circumstance.  “Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him.” (1 Cor 7:17a).  It is not our position, our status, our situation or circumstance in life that matters.  It is how we live it.