My Daily Scripture Musings Trust & Obey DAY 1 – Gen 1-3; Matt 1

DAY 1 – Gen 1-3; Matt 1

I read the first 3 chapters of Genesis and Matthew Ch. 1 today (I am using the ESV version).  I guess if I have to pin down something impressed upon me from it, it would be to listen to God and trust Him, even if I don’t understand. 

God told Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit of that one tree because “you will surely die”, but how did they know what death was, having never experienced it?  We know in hindsight that God was not talking about the end of their physical bodies but, rather, a separation from Him.  Did they know this?  What did they think death was?  So perhaps they didn’t really understand (would it have made a difference??). 

And Joseph…it must have been quite a shock to him for his woman to come up pregnant.  “But Honey, I didn’t…” – yeah, right!  Talk about a state of confusion!  But God told Joseph to press on, and Joseph trusted and obeyed, even if he didn’t understand. 

The Bible shows me over and over again that God is good, that He knows what He is doing / saying, and that He is more than worthy of my trust.  It would serve me well to remember this always.