
My name is Jami.  I’m no theologian, teacher, or scholar, just your average, run-of-the-mill Child of God making her way through this life the best that she can.  Maybe you’re the same. 

Several years ago, I committed to reading through the entire Bible in one year.  So I signed up to a Bible App and selected a one year reading plan.  I have been selecting a new plan every year since, sometimes reading through the whole Bible, sometimes just the Old or the New Testament.

In 2023, I selected a plan called “Abide!”.  This plan was a little different, in that it encouraged me to take the reading one step further, stopping to reflect on it and make it personal.  Reading the Bible is good – it gets you into God’s Word, and that’s a good place to start.  Pausing to be still and to reflect on what you read is one step better – it gets God’s Word into you.  John 15:5 says, “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” (ESV)  This is the basis for the “Abide!” reading plan, and they use the acronym, PRAY, to encourage you to Pause to be still, Reflect on what you just read, Ask God for insight and understanding, and Yield to His will in your life.  In their words, “The challenge is to be with Jesus and become more like Him.”

I invited my mother and my sister to join me in this effort, and so I began writing out my thoughts as I reflected on each day’s reading, trying to linger with it and internalize it in some way, so I could share my musings with them.  It is at my mother’s prompting that I now share my daily scripture musings with you.

If you would like to go through the Abide! reading plan along with me or on your own, here is the link to the plan on Bible.com:


YEAR 2 (Y2) – More Jesus Daily Reading Plan (NIV)

For year two I will be reading through the “More Jesus Daily Reading Plan” using the NIV translation. The description for this plan follows, and I have included the link for easy access.

More Jesus Daily Reading Plan
“Reading the Bible is about a relationship with Jesus. This plan includes three resources to help; daily readings in the New and the Old Testaments, reflective questions for practical insight, and The Bible Project’s video overviews for contextual insight for each book. In 365 days, this plan will cover the whole Bible once and include a bonus round of Gospels and Romans to keep our attention on Jesus.”

Again, if you would like to read along, here is the link:


As I work through this reading plan, I may use the questions offered as a guide for my thoughts. When I do, I will indicate the question in bold type at the beginning of each section. Though I may not address the questions directly, there will at least be some small connection to them. Sometimes, though, my thoughts may go an entirely different direction. In those cases, I will not include the question from the reading plan with my comments.