My Daily Scripture Musings God's Law Day 11 – Job 5-7; Matt 8:18-34

Day 11 – Job 5-7; Matt 8:18-34

Job 5-7

I am beginning to think that the purpose for the book of Job is so that we will not speak to our friends who are suffering in the way that Job’s friends spoke to him!!!  “Gee, Job, if all this is happening to you, it must be because you are guilty of something baaaad before the Almighty!  Repent and prosper!!”  Really, guys??

Matt. 8:18-34

This passage in Matthew is also difficult (as so much of the Bible is!).  First, we see two men who want to follow Jesus, but can’t let go of their lives, unlike the apostles who “immediately” left their nets and their father and whatever else there was to follow Him.  What do I need to let go of / turn away from to follow Jesus fully? 

Then we see those closest to Jesus still choose fear, even in His immediate presence – is there any hope for me? 

Lastly, we see an entire city who “begged Him to leave”!!  Why?  Were they more concerned with the pigs who drowned (or the income from them) than with the men who were saved? 

Lots of challenging stuff here, and what does it all say?  “Love God (Jesus) with all you’ve got, and if you do that, you will love others as yourself!”

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