My Daily Scripture Musings Seeking God Day 127 – 1 Sam 30-31; Luke 24:1-25

Day 127 – 1 Sam 30-31; Luke 24:1-25

1 Sam. 30-31

After David was sent back from going into battle with the Philistines, they did not find things well.  Their town had been burned and everything and everyone they had was taken.  David’s men were likely already tired and discouraged so, naturally, they railed against David for it, even wanting to stone him (boy, don’t hearts turn fast!?!?).  David was just as discouraged as the others, but now had this extra burden to carry.  What did he do?  What David always did when he was down and disheartened – he “strengthened himself in the LORD his God.” (1Sam 30:6b) 

We should be familiar enough with David’s Psalms to understand this statement.  And when his sprit was renewed, he once again sought the LORD for direction as to what he should do in response to their current crisis.  What a great model for how to face difficulties and obstacles in our lives!  Pour your heart out to God, praise Him for all that He is and does, and seek direction from Him – yeah, let me do that.

Luke 24: 1-25

There were two men who met Jesus on the road to Emmaus after His resurrection, but “their eyes were kept from recognizing Him” (Luke 24:16).  Even so, they listened to Him as He taught them. In verse 27, it says, “And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, He interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.”  Boy, would I have loved to have been a part of that conversation!  Christ’s story from the beginning to the time of His resurrection, explained to me by Christ Himself! 

But I do have the next best thing. I have God’s Word and his Spirit indwelling me. And as I read and consider, and study God’s Word, His Spirit reveals these truths to me over time.  That is why I am doing what I do here!  It is an amazing story. There is none other like it, and it personally, intimately, and irrevocably impacts every single one of us.

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