My Daily Scripture Musings Actions and Attitudes,Human Nature Day 137 – 2 Sam 19-20; John 5:25-47

Day 137 – 2 Sam 19-20; John 5:25-47

2 Sam. 19-20

It is clear to me that when the Bible says that David was a man after God’s own heart, it does not in any way mean that David lived a perfect life!  It would be nice if the Bible was clearer on which of David’s actions were Godly and righteous and which were not…but it isn’t.  However, I don’t think Joab was wrong for rebuking David here. People so often get so focused on someone they’ve lost that they neglect or even take it out on those they have left. Such was the case here with David when he lost Absalom. 

I think about that tendency a lot when I hear Jesus’ stories about the one lost sheep (what about the 99?) and the widow with the lost coin.  But I don’t think the Good Shepherd seeks out the one lost sheep at the expense of the 99.  I think He makes sure the 99 are safe in the fold and have their needs tended to before going after that lost sheep. 

In any case, it seems that David listened to Joab’s counsel and then rewarded him by…replacing him?  That actually doesn’t surprise me that much since Joab was responsible for killing Absalom, against David’s direct orders (was this the right thing to do or not??).  And that was actually Joab’s second strike.  He quickly proceeded to strike three when he killed his replacement (who showed up late to his first assignment, by the way).  I can’t tell if Joab is a good man or a bad man.  He certainly seems to be a practical man. And he does seem loyal to David, or at least to his position as commander of the armies. 

About the only thing I can say about all of this is that the human race is a mess.  The stories in the Bible are messy….very messy. And if we are honest, it does not take much effort at all to see that we are no better.  So I guess the Bible pounds this point home very well – WE NEED GOD!!

John 5:25-47

The religious leaders could not see the forest for the trees.  They were so focused on the law and the prophets that they could not see what the law and the prophets were all about.  In a sense, they worshipped the words and the people – the messengers – but did not understand the message.  Just like those who worship creation without looking past the creation to the One who created it all.  They all get stuck on the surface.  I want to go deeper; I need to go deeper. 

Everything about the Bible – the law that God Himself gave and the people who spoke His word – and even creation itself, point to God. They point to our need for Him and to His plan to redeem us to Himself through Jesus Christ.  As Jesus says here, salvation is not in the scriptures. The scriptures are the treasure map, not the treasure.  If we truly believe the Prophets and the scriptures, we will believe in Jesus. If we believe in Jesus, we believe in God.  That is where salvation lies.

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