My Daily Scripture Musings Trust & Obey Day 138 – Ps 64, 70; John 6:1-21

Day 138 – Ps 64, 70; John 6:1-21

Ps. 64

Thinking of Shimei, who cursed David as he left Jerusalem fleeing from Absalom, while reading this Psalm, it strikes me that David did not take his complaints about his enemies to others, but instead took them to God.  David gave Shimei a pass, saying that if God told him to curse David, who was David to tell him to stop.  But in this Psalm, David turns men like Shimei, who curse him and plot against him, over to God and His righteous justice.  And he rejoices in God before God has even acted.

Ps. 70

“May all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you!  May those who love your salvation say evermore, ‘God is great!’” (Ps 70:4)

John 6:1-21

The feeding of the 5000 – there is so much to learn from this event!  I learn that God provides, that He provides in abundance, and that He uses what I offer to provide in abundance, no matter how insignificant it is.  So let me willingly offer my life and whatever I have to God trusting Him completely with it, to do with it whatever He pleases.  It may not be anything as fantastic as feeding 5000+ people with copious leftovers, but if it is what God wants, it will be worth something.

One other line in this passage to point out…John 6:21. “Then they were glad to take Him into the boat, and immediately the boat was at the land to which they were going.”  What an overlooked miracle!  Without Him, they were battling the storm, but as soon as they took Him into their boat, *poof!*, they were where they belonged.  Not only a physical miracle, but also a spiritual life lesson!

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