My Daily Scripture Musings Uncategorized Day 16 – Job 20-21; Matt 11

Day 16 – Job 20-21; Matt 11

Job 20-21

I think maybe part of the point of this book of Job is to adjust our idea of what is “fair”.  We get hung up on that – “fair”.  We want to think that the wicked will not succeed, that they will be destroyed, and that those who fear God will be rewarded and will live prosperously.  Ultimately, I believe this is true….just not in our ‘time frame’. 

But this is what Job’s friends want to believe for the here and now, and they try to conform what they see to their desired belief.  Job knows better, but complains that it isn’t fair – why is he, who has done no wrong, suffering while the wicked prosper? 

Only God knows where a man’s heart will land when his time is done, and God extends mercy and grace to all.  Who are we to declare what is and isn’t “fair” or dictate how God should behave?  That is a hard pill for any of us to swallow because we are hung up on “fair”.  But perhaps we should consider – is mercy “fair”?

Matt. 11

In this passage, Jesus lays out the contrast for us between those who refuse to hear His words and repent, and those who come to Him.  Those who turn away from Him will end with judgment and torment.  Those who come to Christ will find rest for their souls. My I be found in the latter camp.

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