My Daily Scripture Musings God's Plan,Godly living Day 190 – 2 Kings 7-9; James 3

Day 190 – 2 Kings 7-9; James 3

2 Kings 7-9

It is interesting to me how Israel could not keep a royal family. The ‘house of Ahab’ was the third that God cursed to utter destruction. Not one member of any of the doomed households even received a burial. The only exception was Ahab, who had at one point genuinely humbled his heart before God. God dealt differently with Judah, however. This was in keeping with His promise “to give a lamp to David and his sons forever” (2 Kings 8:19b).

Some of Judah’s kings, like Jehoshaphat, were Godly. But, as was often the case, both his son and his grandson who succeeded him were not. Both men allied themselves in marriage to the house of Ahab of Israel – a house doomed to destruction at the hand of God for its evil. We have read of at least two instances where Jehoshaphat aided the King of Israel in battle as an ally. Could it be that these military alliances led his son to unite with this evil house in marriage? We can’t know, but I think it’s best not to dabble in association with known evil, no matter the reason. Doing so simply opens the door to invite that evil in. If not for you then for those who watch or look up to you (and there is always someone).

In any case, God destroyed these two evil Kings of Judah fairly quickly (after 8 years and 1 year, respectively). But He kept His promise to always have a son of David on Judah’s throne. Of course we know that the significance of this promise and God’s keeping of it is that Jesus was of the line of David. He is the ‘forever lamp’; the ultimate fulfillment of the promise.

This is all just one more example of how the Bible reveals in intricate detail God’s Plan for the redemption of the world. We see hints of it in the fact that those who are not of the line of David – those who are not joint heirs with Christ – are doomed to destruction. And we see hints of it in how King David’s righteousness ‘covered’ his descendants under God’s promise, just as the righteousness of Christ covers us. It is clear that God has a Plan and that he keeps His promises. And we can trust that He will work out His Plan to the last detail for His glory and for the salvation of those who call on His name.

James 3

James 3:1 says, “Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with grater strictness.” I have always taken this to mean that God will hold those who lead others to a higher standard. He will hold them responsible not only for their own actions, but also for the direction in which they lead. And that may well be true. However, another thought occurred to me this morning as I read it. James does not specify to whose “stricter judgment” teachers are subject. I see a strong tendency for a teacher’s followers and the general public alike to place them on something of a pedestal. Being a leader somehow raises the expectation of perfection. This seems especially true for religious leaders.

As James points out next, “we all stumble in many ways” (James 3:2a). So, because teachers are held to a higher standard and because they live out their lives in a more public manner, they are judged harshly for any slip up or mistake. Not quite fair, but there is something to the saying, “practice what you preach.” Thinking on it, this may be why James didn’t specify to whose stricter judgment he was referring. It is likely both. As a leader, your mistakes have a greater impact. They also have a higher probability of turning others away from the Truth you are trying to share. This makes me think that James was warning people about becoming teachers, not to encourage them away from subjecting themselves to the discomfort, but to warn them that teachers need an extra dose of humility, self-control by God’s Holy Spirit, and wisdom.

And for me, though I hold no official teaching or leadership position, I think it would do me well to remember what I just mentioned above. There is always somebody watching or looking up to me, whether I know it or not. Also, I know that God has commissioned all of us to give testimony to His Truth in some way or another. Technically, this makes any of us trying to live out Christ’s salvation in our lives teachers. So yes, Lord, I will take that extra dose of humility, self-control, and wisdom. Thank God, I know He is faithful to give it!

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