My Daily Scripture Musings Trust & Obey Day 2 – Gen 4-6; Matt 2

Day 2 – Gen 4-6; Matt 2

Today was Gen. 4-6 and Matt. 2.  Again with the trusting obedience! Did Noah even know what rain was, let alone a flood?  Makes me think of Colton Dixon’s song, “Build a Boat” –
                ” I will build a boat in the sand where they say it never rains
                I will stand up in faith, I’ll do anything it takes
                With Your wind in my sails, Your love never fails or fades
                I’ll build a boat in the desert place…”

And then there’s those wise men, who made a FOUR YEAR round trip just to spend a few minutes worshiping a young king (who was, at the time, a “nobody”).  May I pursue Christ in my life with that kind of confident commitment!