My Daily Scripture Musings Uncategorized Day 20 – Job 30-31; Matt 13:31-58

Day 20 – Job 30-31; Matt 13:31-58

Job 30-31

Wow – Job, throughout his life, has considered every aspect of it and how to live it righteously before God.  God, enlarge the part of me that wants to live less for me and more for You and for others!!

Matt. 13:31-58

One small act of obedience to God can be multiplied without measure.  Living for Jesus is worth giving up everything that we have to pursue.  The evil and the righteous will be sorted at the end of the age, but will dwell together until that time.  So don’t lose heart – live in obedience to God no matter what the cost and do not be influenced by the evil around you.