My Daily Scripture Musings God's Character,Godly living Day 211 – Ps 113-115; 1 Thess 3

Day 211 – Ps 113-115; 1 Thess 3

Ps. 113-115

These three Psalms are most definitely praise Psalms, exalting God above all else.

  • I like the contrast in Psalm 113.  Right after making a point of how high God is, the Psalmist notes how God lifts up the lowliest among us.  Though He is rightfully high above us, He deals with us humbly. 
  • And I love how Psalm 114 personifies the earth in its fear of God, citing several miracles that God performed as He led His people out of Egypt and into the Promised Land.  Indeed, all of creation bows in obedience to God’s command.  Maybe someday we humans will understand our creator the way the rest of creation does. 
  • Psalm 115 contrasts Israel’s God – the one, true, living God – against the so-called gods of the other nations.  While there is no life or power in any man-made god, Psalm 115:3 says, “Our God is in the heavens; He does all that He pleases.”  And Israel’s God is our God, too.  The Psalmist calls out to the house of Israel, the house of Aaron, and to those who fear the LORD.  That includes me and you.
1 Thess. 3

Paul left the Thessalonians in the midst of much turmoil and affliction.  Though he apparently left Timothy with them, he was concerned as to whether or not their new faith would withstand the pressure.  As it turns out, Timothy returned to Paul with a good report about them.  It makes me wonder, if I was in the Thessalonian’s shoes, what kind of report would be made about me?  Would I be found holding fast to the Truth or would I give in to temptation?

The battle is real, folks.  The struggle and the temptation are real.  “The tempter”, as Paul calls him, works hard every day to turn us away from Christ or, at the very least, to render our witness ineffective (read C.S. Lewis’, “The Screwtape Letters” for an interesting perspective on this point).  How important it is that we hold one another up in prayer and seek the Lord in our own lives daily!