My Daily Scripture Musings Godly living Day 215 – Ps 120-122; 2 Thess 2

Day 215 – Ps 120-122; 2 Thess 2

Ps. 120-122

“Deliver me, O LORD, from lying lips, from a deceitful tongue.” (Ps 120:2).  Was the Psalmist referring to the lips and tongues of others or his own, I wonder?  Perhaps both.  It sounds like he was dwelling in a harsh place, among people of unrest.  So it seems reasonable to think he would seek protection from such people.  But they say that you become the company you keep.  If he was dwelling among deceitful liars, their wicked ways may have affected him, even if not directed at him.  I could easily see this Psalm as being a prayer for protection from sliding into the wicked ways of those around him.  God not only saves us from sins we have fallen into, but He also saves us from falling into some sins in the first place.

One other thought I’d like to share comes from Psalm 121:4, “He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.”  It is good to remember that God is always on the job; always aware.  Nothing gets by Him; nothing surprises Him.  For this and so many other reasons, God is fully worthy of our complete trust.

2 Thess. 2

It sounds like the Thessalonians were concerned that they might have missed the day of the Lord.  Paul reassures them that they had not and would not.  Then Paul encourages them by praying that God would “comfort your hearts and establish them in every good work and word.” (2 Thess 2:17).  That is a prayer that each of us should apply to our own lives.  We can take comfort in knowing that God is in full control (as noted in Psalm 121 above).  His plan will play out exactly as it is supposed to, and that plan includes our salvation, as those who have believed on His son, Jesus Christ.  With that knowledge, we can simply focus on living our lives for Him the best we can.