My Daily Scripture Musings Godly Love,Prophecy Day 281 – Hos 5-8; Rom 15:1-13

Day 281 – Hos 5-8; Rom 15:1-13

Hos. 5-8

I’m no theologian, but an interesting thought came to me when I read Hosea 6:1-3.  It made me think of Jesus and His work for us on the cross.  God has torn Jesus, that He may heal us; He struck down Jesus, that He might bind us up.  For two days, Jesus paid our penalty in order to revive us. And on the third day, Jesus fulfilled the law, conquering sin and death, and was raised up so that we can live in the presence of God.  Then Jesus went out and the Holy Spirit came to us so that we may “press on to know the LORD.”

The more I read and study the Bible, the more I realize how layered it is.  Small, seemingly insignificant things actually have great meaning, and much, if not most or all, of it has more than one relevant meaning.  There are representations within representations, tons of symbolism and metaphor, and multiple time-frame fulfillments of prophecy.  Quite often, there are both literal and figurative interpretations of the same passage.  So I am sure this passage in Hosea has other meanings than what I presented, but the thought certainly fits into the narrative of Scripture.  It is God’s ultimate plan for the salvation of the world, which He demonstrated to us through His people in the Old Testament.

Rom. 15:1-13

“We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves” (Rom 15:1).  Again, Paul is not saying that we should tolerate sin in the church.  Remember his very harsh words to the Corinthians regarding that.  He is speaking of stumbling blocks to faith.  If your actions have the potential to damage the faith of a fellow believer, stubbornly persisting in those actions because you know you are free to do so is not the best response.  This is seeking to please ourselves, which Paul said in yesterday’s reading is not walking in love.  Love does not intentionally disregard the welfare of others to suit itself.

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