My Daily Scripture Musings God's Plan Day 3 – Gen 7-9; Matt 3

Day 3 – Gen 7-9; Matt 3

Today’s reading:  Gen. 7-9 and Matt 3.  God’s design is so evident in the story of the flood!  All the creatures came onto the Ark by twos – male and female – and they departed the ark “by families” (Gen 8:19).

It is also clear that those who believe the lie of man-made climate change / disaster are not trusting God and His word, for He made a covenant with ALL of creation in Gen. 8:21-22:
“I will never again curse or dishonor the ground because of man, for the intention of man’s heart is evil from his youth. Neither will I ever again strike down every living creature as I have done. While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.”

John baptizes Jesus in Matt 3.  I believe it mentions in Hebrews, or maybe one of the Peters, that Noah and his family passing through the flood waters is the first basis of baptism – the symbol of our Salvation in God.  The whole Bible is tied together in so many intricate ways – so amazing!!  John did not feel worthy to baptize Jesus, but Jesus explained that is was part of the Plan (“to fulfill all righteousness” – Matt 3:16) so John consented.  May I never let “unworthiness” stop me from being obedient to God’s Plan!