My Daily Scripture Musings God's Plan Day 357 – Est 9-10; Rev 14

Day 357 – Est 9-10; Rev 14

Est. 9-10

I can’t help but think of Joseph when I read about Mordecai.  Both Jewish men had plots against their lives by people who intended to destroy them.   Yet both somehow rose to become second in power over a foreign nation.  Neither man sought his high position, but both were lifted up to save God’s people.  It makes me think that this is more than just another story of God saving His people. 

I am certain there is significance in the plots of the wicked being turned against them.  As it says, “on the very day when the enemies of the Jews hoped to gain the mastery over them, the reverse occurred: the Jews gained mastery over those who hated them.” (Est. 9:1b).  That speaks to ‘the end of the story’ to me.  But I wonder if there is any significance to some of the smaller details in the story.  For instance, the ten sons of Haman.  Since I am also reading in Revelation right now, the ten horns of the beast and the dragon come to mind.  Maybe, in more ways than I realize, this is yet another story within the greater story demonstrating God’s plan for the redemption of those who belong to Him.

Rev. 14

“Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus” (Rev. 14:12).  This call comes right after the messages of the three angels. What I gathered from those messages is that those who do not fear God will fall before His wrath at the coming judgment.  All of this takes me back to Matthew 24:13, when Jesus said, “But he who endures to the end will be saved.”  And my takeaway? In order to endure to the end, we need to keep the end in sight. 

It can be hard to remain faithful in this life.  Sometimes, when we see the wicked prosper, we are tempted by their gain.  Or, in despair, we wonder what the point of living a righteous life is.  Or we get angry because God doesn’t act.  Sometimes we get lost in all the struggle and the suffering.  When we find ourselves in any of those places, we need to remind ourselves of the end of the story. 

As we just saw in the story of Esther, God tells us in so many ways throughout His word how it is going to go for the wicked; for those who do not fear His name.  All we have to do is trust that His word is true. Then that truth can motivate us to hold fast to our faith.  The call to “endure” does not speak of an easy path.  But when we understand that the only true reward lies at the end of that path, we know that it is worthwhile.