Day 359 – Neh 1-3; Rev 16

Neh. 1-3

I notice a trend among the likes of Daniel, Ezra, and Nehemiah.  These are arguably some of the more righteous men of the exile, yet all three of them acknowledge their personal part in Israel’s unfaithfulness to God.  They don’t just confess the sins of the people before God, they say ‘we have sinned” or “I have sinned”.  You see, it doesn’t matter how righteous we are compared to others around us.  It only matters how righteous we are compared to God.  And we all fall way short on that one.

I also notice the way these men implore God before taking on any endeavor He laid on their hearts.  They acknowledge their unworthiness and appeal to God’s mercy because of the promises that He has made.  It is easy to assume that because what we desire to do is for God or for others, He will be in it.  But I think perhaps part of fearing God is never taking His mercy for granted.  The only way we can know if the desires in our heart are from God and that He will provide for us in them is to seek Him on the matter.  We need to ask.  Not because He needs to know our needs but because we need to be constantly and acutely aware of our need for Him.

Rev. 16

One hundred pound hail!!!  OUCH!!!!!  All of these terrible plagues remind me of the plagues God poured out on Egypt when they refused to let His people go.  I suppose that is by design.  Egypt was a foreshadowing of things to come. 

I feel like God is giving people a chance with these plagues.  He is showing them that He is God and that His word is true so that they can humble themselves before Him and acknowledge Him as the One True God.  But they miss the point.  They recognized that God had power over the plagues.  But instead of seeking refuge with the only one who could save them – the God in control – they cursed Him.  “They did not repent of their deeds” (Rev. 16:11b).  So once again I stand in awe of the stubbornness of the human heart.  I do not know why God softened my heart just enough to receive Him, but I am so very grateful that He did!