My Daily Scripture Musings God's Law,God's Plan Day 46 – Ex 21-22; Matt 27:51-66

Day 46 – Ex 21-22; Matt 27:51-66

Ex. 21-22

Yeah….I don’t even know what to say about all the laws.  So many of them seem very strange and ‘unfair’ to me.  But I think at least some of the laws were based on common cultural practices of the time and were specified to set the Israelites apart from other peoples; so that they would do things differently.  One thing did catch my eye, though – Ex 22: 28, “You shall not revile God, nor curse a ruler of your people.”  Wow – that’s a hard one these days!!  God did not specify if it was a good ruler or a bad one.

Matt. 27:51-66

I love what happened when Jesus died – He did not go quietly!!  The torn temple curtain is so significant, because that was the curtain that separated the people from God in His most Holy place.  The symbolism of its destruction when Jesus died really tells the whole story – Jesus died so that we could be with God again.  And the earthquakes, splitting rocks, and bodies coming out of their tombs – just wow.  This seems to me to be the results of Jesus ‘doing battle’ with the forces of Hell and conquering death.  It was literally an earth shattering fight!!  How could anyone have seen all that happened at His death and not believed?  Even the Roman centurion and his people got it!!