My Daily Scripture Musings Uncategorized Day 49 – Ex 27-28; Mark 1:23-45

Day 49 – Ex 27-28; Mark 1:23-45

Ex. 27-28

I am impressed by the detail God gives in the design of His Temple, and I wonder at the significance of all of it.  I know that the Temple is a representation of Jesus (remember from Matthew that Jesus was the Temple that was “torn down and rebuilt in three days”), but I suspect there is so much more to it.

Mark 1:23-45

Jesus, during His ministry on earth, was constantly telling others not to speak of who He was and what He did.  There are three mentions of that in this passage:
                1. The demon in the synagogue in vs 25
                2. Other demons mentioned in vs 34 – “And he would not permit the demons to speak, because they knew Him.”
                3. The leper that he healed at the end of the chapter. 
I’m not sure why this is.  It was after His resurrection that He gave the Great Commission, telling his disciples the opposite – to go and tell all the nations who He is.

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