Day 51 – Ex 31-33; Mark 3:1-19

Ex. 31-33

It is often difficult to find a specific way to apply a portion of scripture in and to your life. Sometimes, however, we can see things that reaffirm to us the Hand of God in every part of scripture, thus shoring up our faith and trust in Him.  I see one such tiny nugget in today’s reading.  We know that God’s holy Temple is the very representation of His redemptive plan in Jesus, His Son. Who better to specify as the lead craftsman for this first, portable Temple than a man from the tribe of Judah?  This section of scripture also gives affirmation of the truth that God equips us for that to which He has called us.

As for application, may God continue to guard my heart and my mind in Christ Jesus, for the flesh is oh, so weak!  The Jews had been gone from Egypt about 3 months at the time they saw God at Mt Sinai (Ex. 19). It was there they vowed to keep all the commands that He gave them.  Forty days later, they were worshiping a golden calf.  That’s fast, folks.  Oh, how our hearts do stray!  Interestingly, I see several instances in this passage that indicate the human need for constant visual confirmation – the calf, the people worshiping when they saw the cloud descend on Moses’ tent, and even Moses asking to see God.  This makes me think of the definition of faith in Hebrews, that it is “the evidence of things not seen”. Or the time when Jesus says, “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.” (Jn 20:29).  So, Lord, let me hold fast to faith and not let the tangible, visible things in my life threaten to take your place in my heart and mind.

One last note here – just want to make quick mention of Moses’s humility demonstrated in chapter 32.  God offered to make Moses the ‘star of His show’, so to speak. He offered to destroy the Israelites and make a great nation out of Moses.  Moses refused it and pleaded for the people.  Even after seeing the people’s sin for himself and getting VERY angry over it, Moses said to God, “But now, if you will forgive their sin – but if not, please blot me out of your book that you have written.”  Would that more leaders took this Godly attitude!!!

Mark 3:1-19

“And whenever the unclean spirits saw Him, they fell down before Him and cried out, ‘You are the Son of God’”.  The demons knew who He was but chose to serve another.  Still, they could not help but worship Him!  ALL will worship Jesus someday, regardless of who they choose to serve. May I choose to serve the only One worthy of worship every day!