Day 7 – Gen 18-19; Matt 6:1-18

Gen. 18-19

So much to note here!  First, Abraham and Sarah waited an additional 13 years (at least 23 now) before Sarah became pregnant – patience!!! Another thing about God – He loves to wait until the situation is IMPOSSIBLE before He acts.  Sara was not just barren, but post-menopausal when she bore Isaac to Abraham.  God’s timing is not my timing, and God’s plan is not my plan.  My job is to be patient, to trust, and to obey.

Second, I am amazed at Abraham’s boldness before God when he asks about sparing Sodom and Gomorrah.  God tells us to bring our cares and concerns before Him and to be persistent in doing so.  May we learn from Abraham!

And then there is Lot…Lot, who has immersed himself in a very depraved culture.  It seems he stayed somewhat ‘clean’, as God saw fit to spare his life, but note that the angels literally had to drag him out of the city, which it seems they did for Abraham’s sake (because of his boldness in asking??).  Even after that, Lot continued to resist letting go, requesting to flee to a small town instead of the hills, where he eventually ended up anyway.  I far too often feel like Lot – fighting to hang on to things that are not good for me.  Praise God for His great mercy, as He works with my weakness (like Lot) to get me to the place I need to be!

Matt. 6:1-18

In Matthew 6, Jesus continues to teach that it is not just about what we do or don’t do – it is about what drives our actions.  Not saying the end justifies the means, here, because if the right thing is driving me, my actions will not be contrary to God.  It does say, however, that just because my actions look right, it doesn’t mean they are.  Who am I striving to please?