My Daily Scripture Musings God's Plan Day 8 – Gen 20-22; Matt 6:19-34

Day 8 – Gen 20-22; Matt 6:19-34

Gen. 20-22

Sometimes I just have questions!  Did Abimelech know who God was?  Why did he consider taking another man’s wife a sin?  How long had this gone on (how would they know all the wombs in the land had been closed)?  Why does it seem that God keeps rewarding Abraham for perpetuating this half-truth?  Were Abraham and Sarah right or wrong in their actions?  Seems to me they were the ones who sinned because they caused the others to sin (Pharaoh, Abimelech…).  Yet it is Abraham praying for Abimelech’s forgiveness.  These are the stories I really just don’t understand.

As for the sacrifice of Isaac – sooooooo much to this story!!! There is Abraham’s steadfast faith in God’s promise regarding his son, Isaac (note Abraham told his men they would both be back).  We see a picture in Abraham of God offering His only Son for us.  And we see a picture in Isaac of ourselves, as God provided ‘the lamb’ as a sacrifice in our place.  My very literal self does take some issue, however, with stating that Isaac is Abraham’s “only” son.  I realize he is the son of The Promise, but “only”?  I suppose since Ishmael has been sent away at this time, only qualifies for the moment.

Matt. 6:19-34

Most of this Matthew passage is clearly telling me to seek and serve God, not money or possessions – a very basic thing, but oh, so difficult to actually put into practice!  I’m not sure how the eye being the lamp of the body part fits in with this message, though.  One could apply a “garbage in, garbage out” interpretation here, but that doesn’t seem to quite fit with the context of the rest of the passage.  Perhaps it is saying that you seek and serve what you focus on.  Or that you serve what you seek.  In any case, putting God first – however that happens – is key.