My Daily Scripture Musings Trust & Obey Day 88 – Deut 14-16; Luke 5:1-16

Day 88 – Deut 14-16; Luke 5:1-16

Deut. 14-16

Look at God’s promise in Deut. 15:18 regarding His command for His people to release their Hebrew slaves in the seventh year:  “It shall not seem hard to you when you let him go free from you, for at half the cost of a hired worker he has served you six years. So the Lord your God will bless you in all that you do.”  If ever there was a reinforcement of the thought that obedience to God trumps human reasoning and sensibility, this is it.  By human reasoning standards, it does not make any sense at all to let your servant go because it will then cost you double to get the work done – not a good business move!!  But God promises that obedience to Him will not be hard (though choosing to obey might be) because He will bless you for it.

Luke 5:1-16

I like how Jesus healed the leper.  He touched him.  People didn’t touch lepers because it would make them unclean (and possibly leprous).  But Jesus is different – He didn’t become unclean when He touched the leper.  Instead, the leper became clean.  Yes, Jesus has the power to make the unclean clean, simply by His touch, and He cannot be contaminated.  That is a powerful truth for us.