Day 9 – Job 1-2; Matt 7

Job 1-2

Evidently, we are moving through the Bible chronologically, because we have jumped to Job (which they believe was written sometime during this period in Genesis). And yeah, wow – in one single hour, Job loses everything he has, and he….worshiped?!?!  I’m sorry, NOT always my first reaction when even one thing goes awry!!  “The LORD gives, and the LORD takes away” (Job 1:21b); “Should we accept only good from God and not adversity?” (Job 2:10b)  Job is a difficult book that raises a LOT of questions about God’s justice, but I think maybe the point lies in these two statements from Job. And they are certainly a challenge to my perspective and how I respond to difficulties in my life.

Matt. 7

Soooo….when Jesus says that many will say, “Lord, Lord”, but He will not know them, even though they prophesied, cast out demons, and did mighty works in His name…what is missing? 

He follows by talking about hearing His words and doing them vs. not.  It seems to me that the entire Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5-7) is Jesus teaching us in practical ways how to “love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind” and to “love your neighbor as yourself.”  I think this is what was missing – those people were doing the dramatic, show-stopping things, but were they really loving God or others in doing them?  Doesn’t Paul do a whole rant on how, without love, we have / are nothing?  As my Dad so often points out, one has to define what it means to “love”, but once again, to me, it comes back to my attitudes and motives – who am I seeking to serve?  God?  Others?  Or maybe myself…