My Daily Scripture Musings God's Sovereignty,Godly living Y2 Day 102 – 1 Cor 6; Josh 15-16

Y2 Day 102 – 1 Cor 6; Josh 15-16

–For a description of the (Y2) reading plan, see the “About” page.

1 Cor. 6

Once again we see that God is the standard by which all things are to be measured.  Paul chided believers for taking other believers to court, where they would be measured against something other than God.  A worldly court will use a worldly measure.  As God’s children, we should be able to work out our own disputes by measuring ourselves against God’s standards.  If we find ourselves falling short and doing wrong to others, we need to correct that.  If we find a clear conscience, we need to keep it that way.  Far better to take a hit than to replace God’s standard with anything else.

Josh. 15-16

Why does the author include these lengthy chapters on the tribal allotments in the Promised Land? What do they suggest about the promises of God?  I don’t fully understand the importance of the tribal inheritances, but it is quite clear to me that they are important.  God commands more than once in the Bible to not move the ancient boundaries.  And He put several provisions in place to make sure the inheritances remained with the original clans.   Perhaps it is indicative of both the steadfastness of God’s promises and the consequences of trying to change or undermine them.  Perhaps someday I will see the significance.

For today, I did notice something interesting to me.  Joshua 15:14 notes that Caleb drove out the three Anakite clans who lived in the cities allotted to him.  This was according to his faith in God’s promise to give him that land, as noted in yesterday’s reading.  In contrast, it says of the overall tribe of Judah that they failed to drive out the Jebusites living in Jerusalem.  Likewise, Joseph’s descendants failed to drive out the Canaanites living in Gezer.  I don’t know if this pattern holds true for the remaining tribes (but will soon find out).  For now, however, it looks like a contrast between one who wholeheartedly follows God and those who waver in their faithfulness.

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