My Daily Scripture Musings Serving God,Uncategorized Y2 Day 103 – 1 Cor 7; Josh 17-18; Ps 44

Y2 Day 103 – 1 Cor 7; Josh 17-18; Ps 44

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1 Cor. 7

What is Paul’s guiding principle in this chapter (see v. 17-24), and why does he think this is critical?  “Nevertheless, each person should live as a believer in whatever situation the Lord has assigned to them, just as God has called them.” (1 Cor. 7:17a).  This brings to mind the saying, “bloom where you are planted”.  It also emphasizes to me that the change that takes place in us when we give our lives to God comes from Him and not from our own efforts.  It tells me that we can live for God in any and every circumstance.  The change that God brings is not in our circumstances but in our hearts and minds.

Josh. 17-18

Compare and contrast the attitudes of Caleb and the tribe of Joseph regarding their inheritance.  Now I see why the tribes of Joseph were unable to drive out the inhabitants of the land while Caleb was successful in doing so.  They were afraid of the Canaanites and full of excuses!  They lacked Caleb’s whole-hearted, unwavering faith in God and His promises.  When they looked at the land, they saw strong men, iron chariots, and “not enough”.  When Caleb looked at the land, He saw God’s abundant provision, blessing, and faithfulness.  All of which makes me wonder, how do I look at the obstacles in my life?

Ps. 44

What do you think of the psalmist’s claim that God has deserted them through no fault of their own?  This Psalm sounds like a plea from God’s remnant.  Not everybody in Israel and Judah turned their hearts from God.  Yet the faithful were exiled right along with the faithless.  Except for the plural pronouns, I also see Jesus in it.  He truly did suffer for no fault of His own.  He was the “sheep to be slaughtered”.  Which all makes me think that this Psalm gives an image of what it means to take on Christ’s life through His death.  As Jesus suffered for our sake, we often suffer for His sake.  The difference is that through His suffering He took on death that wasn’t His so that we could take on life that wasn’t ours.

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