My Daily Scripture Musings Godly living,Seeking God Y2 Day 64 – Rom 12; Num 9-10

Y2 Day 64 – Rom 12; Num 9-10

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Rom. 12

You are transformed by the renewing of your mind. What are you doing regularly to renew your mind in Christ?  Paul told the Roman believers, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world.” (Rom. 12:2a).  What is the pattern of this world?  It really hasn’t changed since the beginning of time and it follows human nature and the Father of Lies.  It is a dog-eat-dog world, one in which everybody strives to ‘get to the top’, to have things their way, and to lord it over others.  Most don’t care who they have to climb over, step on, or kick out of the way to get where they think they want to go.  Isn’t this, to some degree or another, what was going on in the Roman church? 

The whole purpose of Paul’s letter has been to encourage the Roman believers to think differently so they can come together as a unified body in the service of Christ.  Instead of thinking yourself better than others, remember that we were all in the same sinking boat and were saved by the same grace through the same faith in the same Christ.  Instead of using your gifts and your strengths to get ahead, use them to serve God and others.  And instead of contending with others, strive to get along.  When we start to think differently in these ways, “then [we] will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – His good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Rom. 12:2b).

Num. 9-10

I noticed an interesting, though I’m not sure how relevant, little detail about the Passover celebration this morning that I have not noticed before.  I had been reading in 2 Chronicles 30 not long ago.  In that chapter, Hezekiah ordered a long neglected Passover celebration throughout the entire land of Israel.  But because they did not have enough consecrated priests and the people had not had enough time to gather in Jerusalem in the first month, they decided to celebrate it in the second month instead.  What I had not realized is that God had made a provision for a similar situation here to do that very thing.     

The Israelites followed God’s lead through the cloud. How can you follow the Lord’s lead in your life?  Boy, how I wish that God’s guidance in my life was as obvious as the lifting and settling of a giant cloud!  Obedience is often hard enough without the added issue of discernment.  Is it God’s desire for me to go or do, or is it my own?

I imagine though, that even if God’s guidance was that vividly clear I would still struggle sometimes with the obedience part.  We tend to get settled into our lives and our little routines.  Obedience often disrupts that.  Obedience is also very inconvenient at times.  “Sometimes the cloud stayed only from evening till morning, and when it lifted in the morning, they set out.  Whether by day or by night, whenever the cloud lifted, they set out.”  (Num. 9:21).  I can hear my complaints!  “Really, Lord?!?  We just got here!!  We just set all this stuff up, and now we have to take it down again?’  Or, “Really, Lord?!?  It’s the middle of the night!!!  I’m tired!” 

I do note, though, that even with the cloud, they still had to watch.  They had to be in tune with what God was doing.  So I guess I just need to focus on that.  After all, isn’t God’s Sprit dwelling within me even better than a cloud?  And so I continue my daily effort to abide in Christ so I can tap into the root that is my life source.  If I am diligently seeking God every day, I will be far more likely to be ready and willing to go or do as He moves me.