My Daily Scripture Musings Serving God Y2 Day 72 – Matt 4; Num 25-26

Y2 Day 72 – Matt 4; Num 25-26

For a description of the (Y2) reading plan, see the “About” page.

Matt. 4

How did Jesus resist temptation? How can you do the same?  The first thing I notice about Jesus’ time of testing in the wilderness is that He did not go until after He had received the Holy Spirit at His baptism.  God does not send us into the wilderness alone!

The second thing I notice is that the tempter kept trying to turn Jesus’ focus on himself.  That’s where it is, folks.  Temptation comes when we focus on self.  Pride, self-righteousness, coveting, selfish desire – all sin serves self, or the flesh.  So the answer to resisting temptation is ridiculously simple.  Jesus gave us the example to follow.  Each time the devil attempted to draw Jesus’ focus into himself, Jesus responded by putting His focus squarely back on God.  Truth conquers lies, and truth is found in God.

This gives a little more depth to Paul’s statement in 1 Corinthians 10:31.  “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”  Service to God should be the guiding factor in every thought, decision, word, and action that we take.  If there is any self-service in it at all, then it is not for God, regardless of how it looks, because we cannot serve two masters.  Yes indeed – ridiculously simple.  But somehow not so easy.

Num. 25-26

When Balak of Moab couldn’t get Balaam to curse Israel, what did he do instead? What does this tell you about the enemy of our souls and his plans to destroy us?  Even the Moabite leader – a foreigner – knew enough to know that God’s people would not be under His blessing if they were drawn away from Him.  How clever the Destroyer is!  And such a shame that God’s people could not grasp this simple truth themselves. 

Just as with Jesus in the wilderness, the enemy of our souls will stop at nothing to turn us away from God.  And it is amazing how brazen we get when we are given over to the desires of our flesh.  Just like Zimri, we march our defilement right before our holy God as if He won’t see it for what it is.  We foolishly think that we can serve ourselves and still be accepted in God’s presence.  How much better for us to say, as Jesus did, “Away from me, Satan!  For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only.’” (Matt. 4:10).