Y2 Day 98 – 1 Cor 2; Josh 7-8

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1 Cor. 3

Contrast the wisdom of God and human wisdom. How has God given us “the mind of Christ?”  Paul makes it pretty clear that the wisdom of God is a mystery to those who do not seek it.  I have found this to be true in my own life.  When I started reading through the Bible every year several years ago, it made little sense to me.  I understood the obvious, most basic surface stuff, but the deeper things were nonsense.  This was in spite of a fairly extensive Bible education throughout my school years.  I had gotten away from God’s word for some time, not seeking His wisdom for my life and I’m not sure I really saw the loss until I returned.

But then I simply started to read.  I also joined a Bible study group.  As I sought God’s wisdom, He began to reveal His mysteries to me, little by little.  The more He reveals, the more I desire.  Then I began these musings to take me deeper still.  My hope was and is to write “not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words.” (1 Cor. 2:13).  I do this to plant God’s word deeper in my heart that I might set aside my own foolishness and live according to His wisdom.

Josh. 7-8

The Israelites messed up.  Their error resulted in a loss against the city of Ai – a battle they should have easily won.  After Joshua sought understanding from God so they could set things right again, God gave them the victory that eluded them the first time.  The thing that stood out to me, though, was how God gave them that victory.  He used their previous failure to draw the men of Ai into a trap.  This is a great example of how God works in our lives.  He takes our sins, our mistakes, and our biggest blunders and He turns them into something good.  He doesn’t just forgive our sin, he redeems it.    

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