My Daily Scripture Musings Godly living,Serving God Y2 Day 52 – Acts 28; Lev 13-14

Y2 Day 52 – Acts 28; Lev 13-14

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Act 28

What was Paul’s status at the end of Acts? What was he doing? Is there anything that keeps you from doing what God called you to do?  One sentence in this chapter captured my attention in this morning.  When explaining how he came to be a prisoner in Rome Paul said, “I certainly did not intend to bring any charge against my own people.” (Acts 28:19b).  How many of us, in Paul’s position, would say the same thing?  If I was being falsely accused, slandered with lies and suffering because of it, I would most certainly want to call my unjust slanderers to account.  But Paul knew this wasn’t about him.  And he knew that his enemies were not the ones in control.  And so he was content to take the hit and simply focus on living as Christ’s witness wherever God took him. 

Of course, Paul knew that God intended for him to testify in Rome.  How he got there didn’t really matter.  I think knowing, though, helped Paul to stay focused on his goal rather than letting thoughts of attacking back distract him.  When we face unjustified assaults on our life and our character, we don’t always know, as Paul did, where it is headed.  What we do know with certainty, however, is that God, who is in control of all things, sees our attackers and will give them their due when the time comes.  We also know that God promises to use even the worst of situations for our good and His glory.  If we trust in that knowledge, we should be able to check our pride at the door and keep our focus on living for God rather than getting distracted with seeking our own vengeance.

Lev. 13-14

What was the goal of these regulations? What does that tell you about God?  These various defiling skin diseases and molds were commonly referred to as “leprosy”.  Leprosy, like yeast, is one of the things God uses in the Bible to give us a picture of sin in our lives.  One of the things about sin is that we all fall prey to it.  None of us is immune.  Even the most devout believers get it wrong sometimes, whether unintentionally or during a period of straying off the path. 

The regulations in these chapters give us an interesting way to discern what we see in our own sinful behavior and in that of others.  One of these discerning factors is whether or not it goes beyond skin deep.  The longer it takes for us to turn away from our sin, the deeper it penetrates into our lives.  As it penetrates, we begin to grow numb to it and to take it in as a way of life.  It takes up a place in our hearts and we start to serve the sin rather than serving God. 

Another factor is whether or not it is spreading.  Once we allow that sin to take root in our lives, it begins to spread.  It not only spreads to other areas of our own life, but it starts to spread to those around us.  We become a negative influence and a stumbling block between others and God.  Not good!