My Daily Scripture Musings God's Character,God's Plan Day 194 – Amos 1-3; Acts 15:22-41

Day 194 – Amos 1-3; Acts 15:22-41

Amos 1-3

These prophesies of Amos reveal many things about the character and nature of God, as well as His plan – both temporal and eternal – for humanity. 
               1.  Just because God uses someone or something for His purpose, it does not mean that someone or something is righteous.  God uses even the wicked for His purpose.  In fact, I don’t see any nation escaping God’s judgment, supporting the truth that ALL are unrighteous.  And God will not tolerate unrighteousness forever.
               2.   No one can save themselves from God’s judgment – no one.  Not the swift, not the strong, not the rich, not the mighty.  No one can save himself. 
               3.  God always reveals His Plan ahead of time – “For the Lord God does nothing without revealing His secret to His servants the prophets.” (Amos 3:7).  He never enacts judgment without giving people an opportunity to repent and to humble their hearts before Him.  Remembering that Israel, as a people set apart for God from the rest of the world, is a representation of us, God’s children as a whole, we can see that these prophesies are just as relevant, though more symbolically, for our future as they were for Israel at the time.
               4.  God always promises to save a remnant, and He always has.  Out of this rescued remnant of Israel (Judah) over the ages came Jesus, His Son; His ultimate redemption Plan.  And in that rescued remnant we see His plan for us, His ultimate rescued remnant.

Acts 15:22-41

I like Barnabas.  He strikes me as one of those types who is encouraging to everybody and is always trying to see the good in others – both traits I would like to see in myself.  It was Barnabas who stood up to trust Saul (Paul) and give him a chance after his conversion, boldly arguing on Saul’s behalf with the others.  He was the gateway for Saul’s acceptance into the Church.  And now Barnabas is taking a stand for John Mark. 

John Mark had travelled with Paul and Barnabas in the past and had bailed on them partway through the journey.  How ironic that it is Paul who can’t see beyond Mark’s past behavior to give him a chance for the future.  He would not extend the grace that had been offered to him at one time.  Nobody’s perfect, eh?  But Barnabas fought just as steadfastly for Mark as he had for Saul, to the point that he and Paul parted ways.  But God used even this situation for good, as Paul and Silas worked very well together, accomplishing much for God’s Kingdom. Also, it is believed that this Mark is the one who gave us the gospel by that name.  Sometimes you’ve just gotta marvel at the way God works!

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