My Daily Scripture Musings Pride and Humility,Trust & Obey Day 255 – 2 Chron 31-32; Acts 20:1-16

Day 255 – 2 Chron 31-32; Acts 20:1-16

2 Chron. 31-32

Wow – even righteous King Hezekiah succumbed to pride in the end.  God miraculously extended his life, and he spent the gift he was given foolishly and selfishly. 2 Chronicles 32:31 says, “When the ambassadors of Babylon’s rulers were sent to him to inquire about the miraculous sign that happened in the land, God left him to test him and discover what was in his heart.”  Hezekiah had sought God and turned to Him in his distress, but when God prospered him, his heart turned to his prosperity. 

It is so easy to forget how much we need God when we aren’t in need!  That is why it is so important, whether we are suffering in distress or relishing in abundance, that we find a way to stay mindful to seek God earnestly.  Like Paul, we must constantly strive for Christ’s righteousness, leaving whatever sense of righteousness or glory we might have in ourselves behind and pressing on toward this goal (see Phil 3).  Be on guard always against pride!

Acts 20:1-16

“Paul spoke to them, and since he was about to depart the next day, he kept on talking until midnight.” (Acts 20:7).  I’m all about self-care over the long-term.  If you don’t take care of yourself, how can you expect to be able to take care of others?  But sometimes it is important that we set our own needs aside.  This was one of those cases for Paul (though I imagine Paul encountered such times rather frequently).  He knew he had one last chance to leave those gathered with him with as much truth as possible, and he did not shy away from the responsibility.  It cost him some sleep, sure, and it almost cost a young man his life.  But God has a way of taking care of us and of other things when we simply trust and obey.