My Daily Scripture Musings Pride and Humility Day 294 – Jer 7-8, 26; Acts 28

Day 294 – Jer 7-8, 26; Acts 28

Jer. 7-8, 26

God did not act rashly against His faithless people.  He warned them and warned them and warned them.  And every time He warned them He told them, “Amend your ways and your deeds, and I will let you dwell in this place”. (Jer. 7:3b).  But they didn’t listen.  God knew they would not listen, but He told them anyway.  The fault for what came was entirely on them.

It’s funny how people think that someone who confronts them with something they don’t want to hear – the truth – deserves to die.  The people wanted to believe that God would not destroy His own dwelling place; His chosen city.  They took courage in this belief.  And they used this belief as their justification for calling for Jeremiah’s death.  And then they realized that others before Jeremiah had made the same claim.  They even recalled how Hezekiah responded when he received this same warning.  “Did he not fear the LORD and entreat the favor of the LORD, and did not the LORD relent of the disaster that He had pronounced against them?” (Jer 26:19).  They KNEW the truth…and still they would not listen.

Acts 28

Luke, who wrote the gospel of Luke, is also the assumed author of the book of Acts.  Whoever it was (and I’ll just say it’s Luke), he was obviously a very close companion of Paul.  I am curious as to the nature of their relationship. How did it start, and how was Luke allowed to accompany Paul throughout this whole ordeal?  I have heard it said that Luke was a doctor of some sort. Perhaps it was in this role that he accompanied Paul.  However it all worked out, I am grateful that it did, because it resulted in this account of the beginning of Christ’s Church after His resurrection and of Paul’s amazing ministry.

The reception Paul received from the Jewish leaders in Rome also intrigues me.  While they had not heard any bad reports about Paul specifically, they did not say the same about Paul’s message.  Even so, they were willing, even anxious, to hear what Paul had to say about it all.  They told him, “But we desire to hear from you what your views are, for with regard to this sect we know that everywhere it is spoken against.” (Acts 28:22).  I like that they didn’t just write Paul off because they had heard bad things about “this sect” he was part of.  They let him speak.  And it seems that at least some of them genuinely sought the truth, because they found it – they believed Paul’s message.  I pray that my heart will always be open to hear and receive God’s truth without being taken in by the lies.