My Daily Scripture Musings Faith Y2 Day 45 – Acts 21; Ex 39-40; Ps 20

Y2 Day 45 – Acts 21; Ex 39-40; Ps 20

 For a description of the (Y2) reading plan, see the “About” page.

Acts 21

When Paul reached Jerusalem, the church leaders told him, “’you see, brother, how many thousands of Jews have believed, and all of them are zealous for the law’” (Acts 21:20b).  That tells me that even as believers we can be zealous for the wrong thing.  Not that being obedient to the law was a bad thing.  But how much better to be zealous for Jesus!  Even good things can become problematic when we allow them to take the place of Jesus in our lives.

Ex. 39-40

With thoughts about the law fresh in my mind from Acts 21, my focus in this passage went to the Ark of the Covenant Law.  What a beautiful image of how the law is kept in God!  The tablets of the law were kept inside the box and covered with the mercy seat.  This shows how God’s mercy atoned for our inability to keep the law by keeping or fulfilling it Himself.  And this further emphasizes to me how we should not focus on what is hidden inside, but on God’s merciful atonement for us, who is Jesus Christ, our Lord. 

Ps. 20

Think of someone you love and pray this prayer over them.  The first half of this Psalm is a prayer for a God-blessed life, both in the distresses and the successes we encounter along the way.  Then there is a change of tune for the second half.  The first half ends with, “May the LORD grant all your requests.” (Ps. 20:5b).  And the second half starts with, “Now this I know: the LORD gives victory to His anointed.” (Ps. 20:6a).  The New Testament indicates that when scripture speaks of God’s anointed it refers, at least in part, to Jesus Christ.  Thus, I read this Psalm as saying that the blessed life we pray for is found by trusting in Jesus.  It is in Him that we “rise up and stand firm”. (Ps. 20:8b).