My Daily Scripture Musings Faith,God's Plan,Holiness Y2 Day 46 – Acts 22; Lev 1-2

Y2 Day 46 – Acts 22; Lev 1-2

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Acts 22

In reading Paul’s testimony this morning, my focus went to the fact that Paul’s companions on that Damascus road could not understand what Jesus said to him.  One could say that’s because this was a personal message, meant for Paul alone.  It made me stop and consider, though, that God always seems to leave room for doubt.  For every truck load of evidence He gives that He exists and is who He says He is, He always leaves one little seed for doubt.  Even right from the very beginning, with that one forbidden tree, He has done this.  As strong as it is, how much stronger would Paul’s testimony have been if his companions could have verified what he heard? 

I have two thoughts about all of that.  One is that God does indeed give us a choice.  We can choose to believe the preponderance of evidence and place our trust in God.  Or we can choose to focus on that one little seed of doubt and allow it to grow into rebellion against God’s truth.  The other thought is how great a hurdle trust is for the human heart.  Even those of us who choose to believe in what God has made so obvious fall into the trap of doubt and distrust from time to time.  Thank God that His mercies are new every morning and that His lovingkindness is everlasting!

Lev. 1-2

Consider how the burnt offering may be a picture of the normal Christian life (see Romans 12:1-2).  In the book of Exodus, God gave His people the covenant law so they would know what was required for them to be in His holy presence.  They couldn’t even keep it for a day.  So when God told Moses to take the people on to the Promised Land, He said that He would not go with them (Ex. 33:3).  God only agreed to keep His presence with them after Moses humbly acknowledged their need for Him.  So Leviticus is all about setting up God’s system to allow an unholy people to be with their holy God.

I like what The Bible Project’s video on Leviticus points out about the purpose and effectiveness of this Levitical system.  Before the system was put into place, “the LORD called to Moses and spoke to him FROM the tent of meeting” (Lev. 1:1).  Remember at the end of Exodus, it said that Moses could not go in.  Then, after the system was put in place, “the LORD spoke to Moses IN the tent of meeting” (Num. 1:1a).  Ultimately, everything about God’s first covenant with His set-apart people is a representation of His plan for His new covenant with the whole world.  Thus, the book of Leviticus shows us how we are effectively reconciled to God through His son, Jesus.